<aside> 💡 A stakeholder walkthrough brings end-users, the product team, and other stakeholders together to evaluate early prototypes, providing actionable recommendations for improvements and building empathy. Early prototypes can range from flowcharts, and paper prototypes to interactive wireframes.


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🍽️ Table of contents

🚶‍♀️Stakeholder walkthrough

A stakeholder walkthrough early on in the process will help the design and development team to catch insights early, such as satisfaction of users, but also business insights or technological issues. A stakeholder walkthrough is a great method for detecting usability problems and brainstorming solutions.

📔 Project Overview

[explain briefly the goal/objective of this project on a high level]

Hypotheses, goals & research questions

Hypotheses Goals Research questions
[enter the hypotheses that correspond to this method] [enter the goals that correspond to this method] [enter the research questions that correspond to this method]

🛠️ The setup



Which stakeholders are participating in this stakeholder walkthrough?

Name Stakeholder type Purpose
Messaging method Internal / External / + Role Why are they in this walkthrough. What are they bringing

🤠 How to