<aside> 💡 This template can help you with a quick product review analysis. For this we look at the product as is now and answer the research questions based on what we can see (UI), what we experience (UX) and what we know (internal knowledge).


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🍽️ Table of contents

📔 Project Overview

[explain briefly the goal/objective of this project on a high level]

Hypotheses, goals & research questions

Hypotheses Goals Research questions
[enter the hypotheses that correspond to this method] [enter the goals that correspond to this method] [enter the research questions that correspond to this method]

⁉️ Findings

Explain in the following section what you have learned about each of the research questions topics. Every time looking at UI, UX and internal knowledge.

Use a ✅ in front of the question when it has been answered use a 🚫 in front of the question when it remains (partially) unanswered

<aside> 💬 Hypothesis: [enter your hypothesis here]


Enter your related research question here

Enter your related research question here etc.

🔎 Analysis