<aside> 💡 This template will help you summarise all of the findings that were not useful for the current project but might be useful for future projects for this team. Any findings that were out of scope and any research findings that need further investigating should be noted down in this document.


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🍽️ Table of contents

🔬 Out of scope

This page details the findings of the insurance flow research that have been decided as out of scope for this phase of the project. These should be looked at when a new phase starts for the insurance workflow. Below the out-of-scope table, there is a table that indicates future needs for research.

<aside> 💡 If you’d like an example of a filled in table used in a project, check out the insurance workflow requirements: ‣


Topic Research Design Requirement System Requirement In scope current phase? Built in phase X? Needs work in next phase?
[topic name]
give the topic of this row a name copy paste the research belonging to this topic here write down:
the user needs to…. write down:
the system needs to…. 🟢 or 🔴 yes/no + explanation 🟢 Yes, and….
🔴 No, and….
🟠 Maybe, because….

🤔 Further needs for research

The table below will detail some findings from previous research that has led to further questions and should be looked into further when phase X of this project starts.

Topic Research Research Need
[topic name]
give the topic of this row a name copy paste the research belonging to this topic here Explain why further research is needed