<aside> 💡 This template document aims to summarise the findings in this current stage of the research and to provide guidelines for the design (designers) and for the system (developers) based on this research.


🍽️ Table of contents

📝 Summary

Research done at this stage

Summary: [research method]

Copy paste the summary from your previous research methods in here. Repeat: a summary, so a brief statement of the findings/conclusions that you need for the requirements. Repeat this chapter for all the research methods listed above.

👂 Design & System requirements

By triangulating these findings, design requirements can be created for the designer and the developers on the project.

Design Requirements: aim to give goals for the design to the designer, based on the users needs System Requirements: aim to inform the developer of the system needs in order to fulfil the design requirements and user needs.

These requirements will be presented in a table below.

Topic Research Design Requirement System Requirements In Scope? Already exists? Order of importance
[topic name]
give the topic of this row a name copy paste the research belonging to this topic here write down:
the user needs to …. write down;
the system needs to… 🟢 or 🔴 🟠 (+ explain where, and/or what parts) PM numbers these requirements in order of importance.