<aside> 💡 A competitive analysis is an assessment of our competitor’s products & services to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to ours. This template focuses on UX/UI analysis of competitors' products.


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🍽️ Table of contents

📔 Project Overview

[please explain the objective of the competitive analysis. For example, if you’re creating a new feature where users can create user profiles one of your objectives might be to understand how competitors create and maintain user profiles and what unique components they offer to their users.]

Hypotheses, goals & research questions

Hypotheses Goals Research questions
[enter the hypotheses that corresponds to this method] [enter the goals that corresponds to this method] [enter the research questions that corresponds to this method]

🛠️ The setup


🏁 Competitor Analysis

Which of the competitors will you be looking at in this research? Add them in the table below. Then take a look at the following rows to gain an understanding of similarities between our product and that of the other competitors

This is a template for competitor analyses. To add multiple competitors in one template, add new columns.

Company Name Your product Competitor A Competitor B, C, D etc.
Primary Target audience
Secondary target Audience
Customer reviews
Feature List
Product strengths
Product weaknesses
Free version?
Tone of voice
Color scheme

Visual Research